Maintaining a Lush Lawn: A Guide to Watering During Summer Months

With the arrival of summer, it's time to bask in the warm sun and enjoy the vibrant greenery around us. As homeowners, one aspect of our outdoor space that deserves particular attention is the lawn. To keep it healthy and lush during the hot summer months, proper watering is essential. In this blog post, we will delve into the art of lawn watering, discussing the frequency at which you should water your lawn and offering tips to ensure your grass remains vibrant and resilient.

Understanding Your Lawn's Water Needs:

The watering requirements of your lawn will depend on various factors such as grass type, soil condition, climate, and sun exposure. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, the following guidelines can help you determine an appropriate watering frequency for your lawn during the summer season.

Observe Your Lawn:

Pay close attention to your lawn's behavior and appearance. If the grass starts to lose its vibrant green color and shows signs of stress, such as wilting or footprints that remain compressed, it's an indicator that your lawn needs water.

The Finger Test:

A simple way to determine if your lawn needs watering is by performing the finger test. Insert your finger into the soil about 3 to 4 inches deep. If it feels dry, it's time to water.

Watering Frequency and Timing:

Now that we understand the signs indicating your lawn requires watering, let's explore the ideal frequency and timing during the summer months:

Frequency: Deep and Infrequent Watering

Water should be applied deeply and infrequently. Aim for approximately 1 ½ inches of water per week, including rainfall. This can be achieved by watering your lawn with about ½ inch of water every other day for 15 to 20 minutes. Deep watering encourages the grass to develop deep and strong root systems, making it more resilient to drought conditions.

Timing: Early Morning Hours

The ideal time to water your grass is in the hours between 3:00 am and 6:00 am. This is before the heat of the day sets in, allowing the water to penetrate the soil effectively. Watering during the early morning hours minimizes evaporation, ensuring that your lawn receives the maximum benefit from each watering session.

To maximize the effectiveness of your watering routine and conserve water, consider the following tips:

Use a Rain Gauge:

Install a rain gauge in your yard to keep track of the amount of rainfall. This will help you adjust your watering schedule accordingly, avoiding overwatering.

Adjust for Local Regulations:

Be mindful of any water usage restrictions or guidelines imposed by local authorities. Familiarize yourself with the regulations and adapt your watering practices accordingly.

Regular Lawn Maintenance:

Regularly mow your lawn to an appropriate height based on the grass type. Taller grass shades the soil, reducing evaporation and promoting water retention.


Watering your lawn properly during the summer months is essential to maintain its health and vibrancy. By observing your lawn, understanding its water needs, and following the watering guidelines discussed in this blog post, you can create an optimal watering routine. Remember, deep and infrequent watering, early morning hours for watering, and using water-efficient practices will ensure your lawn stays lush and green throughout the summer season.

Advanced Quality Lawn

Advanced Quality Lawn is a locally owned and operated lawn care company that is dedicated to helping our clients grow and maintain phenomenal landscapes. We use only the finest lawn care applications and the latest technology. All of our services are innovative and have been proven effective.


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